Since announceing the Sr. Janet Meehan Student Fitness Center there has been a tremendous amount of work accomplished. Most of this work has been “behind the scenes” in the form of recuirment of Team Captains, garnering much needed financial support from the community, and finalizing the design details of the project. Although great accomplishements in their own right, these have not been the kind of things we can “SHOW” the community.

Well that changed this month! We have started some real physical work in the form of Site Preparation. The area where the Sr. Janet Meehan Student Fitness Center was heavily overgrown with brush, and covered with large rocks (dare we say boulders). All of this needed to be cleared so we can prepare the future construction.

If you are interested in helping us make the Sr. Janer Meehan Student Fitness Center a premiere facility of health and wellness for our students please visit our website to learn how you can help.
If you are interested in working with the Fitness Center Committee and become a Class Captain to fundraise for this project, please contact advancement@kennedycatholic.org