Homecoming Week is a time when the students of Kennedy Catholic show off and celebrate our school spirit. It’s a time for the freshman to see what it’s like to be a Gael, and it’s a time for the seniors to make some lasting memories before they leave for college.
Throughout the week, clubs were displayed in the Commons for students to visit during homeroom and join. The week kicked-off on Monday with cupcakes sponsored by the Student Council and students dressed proudly in their sportswear.

On Tuesday there was a twin-themed dress-down day, where many students coordinated matching outfits with their friends. Tuesday also brought the Girls Powderpuff Game. Much fun was had and the eniors were victorious with a 28-0 win. Senior Kaitlyn Roemmelt displayed her talents with two ouchdowns, Malin Turnquist had a rushing touchdown, and Ava Nix had a pick six. The juniors fought hard but ultimately could not beat the coaching of defensive lineman Chris Earle, who didn’t allow anyone from the junior team to score.
The College Fair took place on Wednesday, and we had numerous colleges including Penn State and Ave Maria visit us. We give our thanks and gratitude to the colleges who came to visit and gave our seniors a more insightful look into the programs offered at their respective colleges. The visit was successful in providing Kennedy students with more colleges to add to their application lists. On Thursday we had the Pep Rally, which prior to the pandemic was a favorite of our Gaels. We got to see Mr. Tassone win musical chairs, as well as a great performance by our energetic cheerleaders. I mean who would’ve thought Mr. Tassone would beat everyone?

The Pep Rally built up energy for the main attraction of homecoming week: the homecoming football game. I personally asked Quarterback Anthony Castaldi ’23 to get two rushing touchdowns, and he certainly showed.

Friday, though bright and early, we enjoyed the annual Homeroom Olympic Games during Field Day. It kicked off with a wonderful introduction of the school favorite Seniors, and we had numerous class vs. class games. My personal favorite was tug-of-war and dodgeball, where seniors showed our dominance and I personally helped eliminate opposing players. Student Council did a wonderful job organizing the event, and we give many thanks to Ms. Torre and Mr. Compton for their annual efforts in making Homecoming Field Day an awesome day.
To conclude Homecoming week students attended the Homecoming Dance, which after many years has made its return to Kennedy. The dance boasted over 400 people in attendance, with everyone dancing, laughing, and having a wonderful time overall. The decorations were pristine, and the dance floor was a hit. This was a great ending to a spectacular week!