54 Route 138

Somers, NY 10589

(914) 232-5061

Contact Enrollment

54 Route 138

Somers, NY 10589

(914) 232-5061

Contact Enrollment

Visitor Policy

  1. If you are coming into the school for any reason during the times the office is open please take note of our visitor policy, which is in place for the safety of our staff and students. You will be asked for your government issued driver’s license, which will be scanned to create a visitor pass.
  2. Visitors to the school are not permitted in the academic area of the school which includes the gym and library.
  3. If you are coming to pick up your child, you will need to come to the main office to sign your child out, and then remain within the main office until your child signs out and is ready to leave with you. (If you intend someone other than a custodial parent to pick up your child, please call the main office for instructions).
  4. If you are coming to meet with a teacher, guidance counselor, or administrator, you will need to remain in the main office until a staff member escorts you to the meeting. After the meeting return to the main office to return your visitor pass prior to leaving the building.
  5. All visitors must exit through the main office entrance.