2025 Kennedy Casino Night Fundraiser

Enjoy an evening with family and friends playing casino style table games.
Open to all adults so bring your friends!!
Food and Refreshment included!
When: Saturday, February 1, 2025 6PM-10PM
Where: Kennedy Catholic, Lakeview Room 54 Route 138 Somers, NY 10589
Each event ticket will provide you some funny money to use at the casino style table games.
You may purchase additional funny money to keep your game play going.
Prizes awarded to the Big Winners!!
50/50 Raffle tickets will be available for purchase.
This is an event is open to all adults, so bring your friends!
Suggested Attire: Dressy Casual
Tickets are $75
Ticket Sales Are CLOSED.
Thank you to everyone attending for your support. We can't wait to see you!
Tagged Casino Night, Event, Save The Date