54 Route 138

Somers, NY 10589

(914) 232-5061

Contact Enrollment

54 Route 138

Somers, NY 10589

(914) 232-5061

Contact Enrollment

When: January 11, 2025
6:30 - 9PM (Doors Open at 6PM)

Where: KCPS Campus, Lakeview Room

Tickets: $50 per person

Basket Raffles
$20 for 25 raffles

Happy Hour Basket
Designer Bag
Pamper Basket
Lotto/Gift Cards Basket

Register Here

Tickets to the Sip & Paint Night are closed.

Walk-up tickets will be available on a first come, first served basis. Day-of availability is not guaranteed so come early.

Thank you for everyone who supported this event!