54 Route 138

Somers, NY 10589

(914) 232-5061

Contact Enrollment

54 Route 138

Somers, NY 10589

(914) 232-5061

Contact Enrollment

Health Office

Any health related questions should be directed to the school nurse:

Tracey Longo, BA, RN

Phone:  914-232-5061 ext 109

Fax:  914-232-3416

Frequently Asked Questions

If your child is sick and will miss school, please call the Main Office #914-232-5061 each day.

If you have questions for the nurse, please call the Health Office # 914-232-5061 ext 109.

The school absence form or a note signed by a parent, is required for each absence.  The form or note must be submitted to Mrs. Romagnoli in the Main Office upon return.  An absence of 3 consecutive days requires a note from a medical doctor to return to school and sports, if applicable.

Please do not send your child to school if:

  • Fever is present. Student needs to be fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medications to return
  • Pink Eye, 24 hours on medication to return
  • Vomiting or diarrhea within 24 hours of school
  • Strep Throat, unless treated for at least  24 hours on antibiotic and fever free to return, and able to tolerate the school day
  • Severe cough that distracts student in class or keeps student up at night, or is persistent

It is sometimes difficult to determine if a student is well enough for school early in the morning. Therefore a working, reachable contact number for the parents, guardians, or a designated emergency contact must be on file in the Health Office.  The Emergency Contact Form must be updated each year or when information changes.

If and when your child can drive to school and requests to leave due to illness, we need parent permission for the student to leave school.

New York State Law requires the school to maintain a copy of the student’s current physical exam and vaccination record at the following times:

  • Within 12 months of the start of the freshman year
  • At the start of school for all transfer students
  • When working papers are requested
  • Annually for athletes.  Refer to sports information

Please send completed Health Examination Form and vaccination records to the Health Office.  A doctor’s office issued physical form may be attached to the school form.

All students participating in High School Sports are required to have a physical every 12 months.  If the physical was performed over 12 months prior to the start of try-outs, the athlete will not be permitted to try out or practice until the physical is obtained.

For each sports season, the FamilyID must be be updated by the parent/guardian, signed, and submitted no earlier than 30 days before the sport begins.

Any injury requiring an medical doctor visit or school absence of 3 days or more must be reported to the Health Office during your child’s sports season.  Your child will need medical clearance to resume gym and team activities.

All physicals, doctor’s notes, and clearance notes must be mailed or brought in to the Health Office.  These forms are part of the student’s medical file.  If a note is given to a coach, a duplicate copy must be sent into the Health Office.

All medications including Tylenol or Advil, taken at school, must have parent and medical doctor written permission and administered by the school nurse.

If your child has medication that has not been approved with parent and doctor permission, it will be locked up in the Health Office.

An updated Medication Form must be on file in the Health Office each year.  A parent must bring the medication to the Health Office.  Prescription medication must be in the original container and the label must be attached with the student’s name, drug name, and dosage.  Over the counter medication must be unopened.

If your child requires an inhaler for asthma or an Epi-Pen for a severe allergy they may self-carry these with written parent and MD permission.  This must be indicated on the medication administration form and signed by both MD and parent/guardian.

Any medication that can be taken at home before school or after school should be given there.

Medications not picked up by the parent, at the end of the school year, will be disposed of.

The district’s School Health Services program supports your student’s academic success by promoting health in the school setting.  One way that we provide care for your student is by performing health screenings as mandated by the State of New York.  During the school year, the following screenings are required and will be completed at school unless done by your healthcare provider:

Vision:  Distance and near acuity for all newly entering students and students in Grades 7 and 11.   Color perception screening for all newly entering students.

Hearing:   Hearing screening for all newly entering students and students 7 and 11.

Scoliosis:  Spinal curvature screening for all girls in grades 7 and boys in grade 9.

A letter will be sent home if your student needs follow-up with your healthcare provider. Please call the school’s Health Office if you have any questions or concerns.