Student Life
The Kennedy Mission Statement - Read Daily
We are Kennedy Catholic.We are strong and committed Christian leaders who are determined to make a difference for Christ in our world and the lives of others.Through the development of mind, body, and spirit, we will strive always for excellence and the highest standards in Catholic education.We are courageous and compassionate. We are Kennedy Catholic.
Recent Articles from The Gael Winds Newspaper

KCPS Clubs
September 27, 2023
4:47 pm
See the full list of clubs offered to our Kennedy Catholic Gaels for the 2023-2024 school year!

Homecoming Week 2023
September 22, 2023
2:54 pm
Homecoming Week 2023 is Monday 10/2 – Saturday 10/7 with the big game Friday !0/6 @ 6:30pm. Read the full schedule here!

August 9, 2023
10:48 am
All KCPS athletes must register on FamilyID/Arbiter Sports ahead of each sports season prior to tryouts. Find the link to FamilyID/Arbiter Sports in this article.

The Gaels’ European Excursion
May 1, 2023
1:08 pm
On and off since the mid 1980’s, Kennedy Catholic Gaels have had the privilege and opportunity to explore the European continent guided by their trusted faculty leaders. These trips foster cultural literacy, leadership and independence, and ultimately help students on